fredag 16 maj 2014

Review/Plot summary of Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) season 1

Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler in English) is an animated series made in Japan known as a anime. The anime is based on the manga (books) with the same name written and illustrated by Yana Toboso. Black Butler has since it's manga (2007) and anime release in October 2008 made a huge fan following. The series have printed and sold over ten million copies in Japan alone.
The first season was 24 episodes and because of it's huge success, it spanned a second season which aired in 2010 spanning 12 episodes with two new main characters.
On January 16, 2014, it was announced that Black Butler has been green-lit for a third anime adaptation. Unlike the previous seasons, the new series will be a remake of the original manga storyline, in the past the anime used both samples from the manga and new material that they made up themselves to make the content more suitable to video form instead of text. I can't wait to watch it to see how they decide to write and animate it.
It was in fact because of this, that I decided to re-watch the seasons once again. Though I really didn't need that much of a reason because this is one amazing anime, one of my favorites to be honest.
Now that you have some understanding about what it is, I'm going to tell you what it's about. I'm going to be skipping a lot of the filler and non essential bits to try to make it as clear as possible, while still spoling as little as possible. So without further ado here it is~

The story starts out in victoria-era London in the mansion own by illustrious Phantomhive earldom and it's young master Ciel Phantomhive aged 12. On the night of Ciel Phantomhives 10th birthday however, his parents were killed, a fire engulfed his mansion and he gets captured by a mysterious organization. 
After a month of enduring excruciating torture Ciel returns to the now re-built mansion with a butler clad in black by the name of Sebastian Michaelis. To others is seems like Sebastian is simply the best butler in the world, from anticipating the young masters needs to carrying them out to the best of his highly capable abilities. 
Little do they realize that Sebastian is actually a demon that Ciel has entered into a contract with promising the boy to help take out his revenge in exchange for his soul. 
Until Ciels wish is fulfilled (revenge), Sebastian serves his rightful master as his butler. This is the rules of the Faustian contract (the contract which binds a demon to a human): They are to be the humans' power and to protect the human for the sake of their demons' aesthetics. 

Their principles basically state that they must follow and obey the orders their "master" gives, (i.e. the human they contracted with), as long as the contract is still in effect.
Once the contract is completed and the human's wish is accomplished by their demon, the human's soul is eaten by the demon resulting in the human's death.

Now despite the fact that this show’s plot is fairly dark, a majority of this show is comedy, ranging to slapstick to satire. But the show DOES get very dramatic and has some very dark moments. I really like the variation they decided to give the show, I would have liked it to take itself a bit more serious at times but it doesn't really bother me that much. 

One problem however is that for Ciel to take revenge he has to know who his kidnappers where and this he does not know. So the start of the show is mostly Ciel doing the queens dirtywork just like his father before him. The Phantomhives have been the guard dogs of the royal family for generations, taking on various cases that Queen Victoria provides them with. He does this because he thinks that if he does the same work his parents had done the assassins would eventually come back for him aswell, giving him the chance to take revenge. 
One highlight of the dub is Sebastian’s catchphrase. In the original Japanese anime the translation is “I am a butler to the end.” This is a play on words, with the Japanese phrase being 私はあくまで執事ですから (romaji: Watashi wa akuma de shitsuji desu kara). Those who are able to read romaji know that “akuma” means “demon,” but adding the “de” makes the translation “to the end.” So the phrase can be interpreted as “I am a butler to the end” or “I am a butler and a demon.” FUNimation (the company who made the English dub/sub) played with this pun and made it work flawlessly in the English versions, with the phrase becoming “I am simply one hell of a butler.” I see what you did there FUNi, big props to you! 

The show takes a smart advantage of the setting in Victorian London by intertwining history with this shows mythology. For example in the first few episodes (episode1-6) Ciel gets the task of tracking down the serial killer Jack the ripper which turns out to be a big twist for the story which was insanely well written and I just loved those episodes for so many reasons. There wasn't really even one episode I didn't enjoy, there was some parts of 2 episodes surrounding a hellhound that got a bit boring and didn't really live up the rest of the show but they were still good and in the end gave the show one of the bigger characters. 

But let's get more into detail with the main character Ciel Phantomhive.
Ciel is a rather short teenage boy with navy blue hair and has a slim and delicate body. Ciel typically dresses in a way that suits his noble standing, and has a very extensive and elegant wardrobe. 
Ciel nearly always wears a black eyepatch with a single cord over his right eye; this is to hide the location of his Faustian Contract marking. When making the contract both the human and demon get a symbol permanently burned/scratched into them. Ciels marking is on his right eye and Sebastian's is on the top of his left hand. 
This left Ciel with a purple right eye with a pentagram-like symbol on it with detailed rings around it. His left eye is a dark blue color. 
Ciel also has a marking on the left side of his body from his time as a slave when he was abducted. In the manga, the mark is on his back and in the anime it's on his chest. 

In the character of Ciel Phantomhive I see a little boy which life never offered any brakes to and as a result he was forced to mature much faster than he should have. His parents were killed when he was ten, and he was then abducted by a cult for a month and tortured. Just imagine that happening to a ten year old. 
But then life gives him one single chance, he gets the chance to partner with Sebastian and he decides to go through with it and Sebastian pulls Ciel out of the hole that life put him in to take revenge. But this means that Ceil had to sacrifice everything his life could have been otherwise. His life, wasted, thrown away, all for revenge. Because of all this Ciel can come off as cold-hearted and rude at times but it is understandable because of all that he has been through.
A question you might get after knowing this may be: does he really think it was worth it? Well at the start of the show Ciel certainly think so, or at least claims to. But as it progresses he seems to get less and less sure. 

I would also lie to get a little more in depth into our second lead, Sebastian Michaelis.

Sebastian takes on the appearance of a tall, handsome, youthful male adult with black hair, red eyes, and pale skin that has a grayish tint. He typically dresses in a very formal tuxedo/trailcoat with white gloves concealing the mark of his Faustian contract (the contract binding him with Ciel) on his left hand. He very occasionally removes these, mostly during fights. Sebastian's demonic form has never been fully shown. Details of this form include sharp claws, glowing fuchsia irises, slitted pupils, and longer, sharper teeth, with dark black wings. Prior to transforming, Sebastian said several times that his form is unpleasant to look at. Just looking at it has driven people, angles and other creatures to hysterics.
Despite his appearance as a courteous and excellent servant, Sebastian is actually quite heartless and sadistic, he expresses these traits in a very passive and sarcastic manner.
He is ruthless when attacking others on Ciel's orders. 
His diabolic nature is also shown through his dark humor and inability to see good in much of anyone. At times Sebastian can be indifferent, and he deliberately delays ensuring Ciel's well-being to tease him. Sebastian has also put Ciel's life in mild danger for his own amusement. He calls Ciel a "brat" who treats his workers rudely. However, despite all the troubles he goes through on a daily basis, he says that he does not dislike the butler lifestyle. 
Sebastian often contemplates the behaviors and attitudes of human beings. He finds humans in general to be "difficult creatures," but he adds that their struggles and lofty goals make them interesting. He is also intrigued about how insatiable they are, as they are willing to "drag others down to get what they want, even in death."
He is also very polite. Especially to visitors of the Phantomhive mansion, this is to insure his masters honorable reputation isn't spotted.

A big part of the comedy is supplied by the employees at the Phantomhive manner, they're all very clumsy and manages to destroy countless plates, burn and even blow up parts of the mansion. This made me very confused at the start but I brushed it off and just thought that sense it is in fact an anime some characters are made to be over the top and it wasn't like it was annoying or not funny. Maybe the writers thought that the show needed some more comic relief to lighten up the dark storyline. But after a few episodes some of them express some deep thoughts and dialog that made me re-think that. 
Most of all I was confused to why Sebastian which lives to serve Ciel to the best of his abilitys would employ these people and then keep them employed while they continue to do such a bad job at nearly everything. I actually (to my surprise) got my question answered near the end, delivered very well. On that note I just really have to say that I really like diversity of the cast. They managed to write interesting characters which all are different from one another and (almost) everyone get their own interesting backstorys. The cast even consists of different ethneties, this without making them stereotypes or looking down on them and it just made me really happy that they were able to do that in the right way. 

Two of my favorite characters (besides the main leads Ciel and Sebastian) are the two grim reapers that come in quite early in the show. Grim Reapers are supernatural, divine beings that are in charge of deciding whether a soul is to live on or to die. Each Grim Reaper have their own death scythe, these are unique to each individual. 
However, the death scythes can be modified, so long as the proper papers are filed to the General Affairs Department. It is against the rules to modify or even use a Death Scythe without permission.

A slash from a Death Scythe severs the link between a human's memory and his or her soul, and it is how they officially end an individual's life. Death scythes are notoriously known for being able to cut through anything, including any other Grim Reapers and one's self. 
However this isn't the case when multiple death scythes are involved; a death scythe cannot cut through another death scythe.

One of the two grim reapers that I am talking about is named Undertaker. Undertaker has been a grim reaper for a very long time and is looked up on by nearly everyone of the other grim reapers. Undertaker's death scythe is a silver, long and curving blade fastened at an angle with a miniature skeleton, whose skull is wrapped in spiky wires, to an all sceleton handle. Undertaker is a very mysterious and intelligent character, despite his comedical and light-hearted shell when he gets frustrated the situation can turn very dark and you really understand in those moments how much power he actually has. It is not made entirely clear but it is hinted at that he can predict the future, at least to some extent. He very rarely tells people about their future but when he do it is most oftenly not good news.

The other one is called Grell Sutchliff. Grell has specially modified his death scythe to operate like a chainsaw, because he says the average Death Scythe is old-fashioned; he claims that his is of first-rate quality.
He later gets it taken away for braking the rules that grim reapers work by.
Because of that he still need to do some work he instead gets two new smaller weapons, these however are very hard to work with and not at all what he is used to.
As a grim reaper, Grell is over-the-top, flamboyant, and outspoken, he has a massive crush on Sebastian, despite the latter's repulsion. Furthermore, he is a ruthless, bloodthirsty individual that is willing to kill his own ''friends'' once he loses interest in them. In his personal view, human relations are not of great significance, and hence he does not understand a human's reluctance in killing another he or she cares about; instead, he dismisses it as meaningless emotions that hinder and obscure one's goal.
Grell is very fond of using double-entendres and incorporating plays in his speech. He often puts things in terms of theater, referring to a characters death as the "falling of curtains," and comparing his conflicting Grim Reaper and demon relationship with Sebastian to the famous play, Romeo and Juliet.

One of the big reasons why I enjoy those two characters so much besides their personalities are how extremely gorgeous they're drawn and animated. This show is just mind blowing pretty, all of the different costumes and places are just so gorgeous and detailed that I can't do it justice with words. The people that have drawn and animated this are extremely skilled and I am so jealous of their capabilities. I would happily give one of my arms to be able to draw that good, it was very rarely I noticed any slip-ups or lazy animating/drawings. The show has because it's an anime some over the top cutesy shots (google pictures of chibi for greater understanding) but it's almost always used for comedic effect and I just find it charming and/or cute. 

Since this show comes in both an English dubbed version and a Japanese one with English subtitles you get to chose which version of the show you want to see. 
I'm sure if you look hard enough in the deep corners of the internet that you could find it with perhaps Spanish, German or some other popular language's subtitles too, but since these are the only two official versions out I'm only counting them in. 
I chose to watch the Japanese one with English subtitles, mostly because I find listening and watching an English show would be a tad bit to easy for me to feel good about having it take up a big part of my English lessons. Also if I get to both watch, listen and read at the same time I get to pay full attention to the show and not try to do something else or get distracted. I find it very easy to multitask so that might have happened if I had watched the English version. 
Besides, if you listen and read two different languages at the same time you usually snap up single words or perhaps a sentence in one of them and thus train yourself further than you might have done if only reading or hearing. I find Japanese very interesting so I definitely wouldn't mind learning more of it, I only know a handful of sentences and a few words but I hope I get to learn more as time goes by.

Sense the show takes place in victoria-era London I suppose it would make more sense if you watched it in English considering that, well they do in fact talk English in that. Most of the English talking cast has in fact English accents which is a very nice touch made by FUNimation. But I didn't really care for the English voice actors, of course some of them where good, J Micheal Tatum for example does an excellent job providing Sebastian with his voice (even though I much rather prefer Daisuke Ono).
But Ciels voice-actor Brina Palencia was just very disappointing and considering that he's the main character that's a pretty big problem. Granted she got his attitude and acting right but her voice is just to feminine to sound like a 12 year old boy. 
It's not unusual for women to voice younger boys, it's actually quite common. One of the best examples is Ash from Pokémon who is a 12 year old boy and has gotten his voice from women in both the English and Japanese series.
Besides, in this case the Japanese voice actors just seem to catch the characters personalites and quirks much better than the English ones do.

Another aspect of the show is it's music, the music fits the show perfectly. It is mostly orchestral pieces except the opening sequence which is more of a traditional anime opening with the fast-pace pop song which is meant to get you excited to see the show. 
Link to the opening: 
I was unable to find one with subtitles (most probably because of copyright reasons). The opening comes in 2 different animations (they make a new one for both the ending and opening about halfway through the show, it's sort of an anime tradition) but if you want to watch the first part with subtitles I've put the website where I watched the episodes in the sources so just click on it if you want to see that (It starts about minute in). They actually don't change the song so the subtitles would be the same for both the youtube link and episode link. 
If you where to watch an episode I've set the link to start at episode 5 which is one of my favorites so if you feel like watching one just press play and enjoy c: (I highly recommend it). And perhaps the episode after to get a good understanding of the aftermaths and meaning it had.

All of these traits coming together just simply makes this a masterpiece. Everything is just so well made and you can tell people put down loads of thought and work into making this. This show has very high replay value, it constantly gives the viewer new story elements and information that you can ponder about and thus you could change how you viewed some particular scene or episode.

I didn't really think the author/writers wanted to convey a message with this show, I think they where more just trying to tell a complex story and then you get to take out what you want from it. The show has a wide range of places and characters all with different backstorys that can make you change how you view another character. So there's a lot of different things that you could take from this show. 
The plot is of course centered around revenge but it doesn't dumb it down to make the message a cheesy ''don't seek out revenge, turn the other cheek''. You actually grow sympathy to Ciel from all that he has been through, even though that's not what he wants people to do. 
You actually want Ciel to take out his revenge and not loose his hate towards the people who did this to him. He just shouldn't, it would be dumb of him. Mostly because that's what he has litteleraly devoted his life to. 
In one of Ciels lower moments in the show one character almost tortured Ciel to death and tamptured with his memories and brain to make him forgive the people who did all the horrable things to him. 
But he still stood his ground with a simple but powerful and equally depressing sentence:
''I will not give up my hate, without it I would be nothing''. 
So it depends from person to person what you take from it.

Oh and also I would like to apologize for this becoming such a long text which you are forced to read and grade especially if it became uninteresting or just plain boring to you. Even though it is your job to do so I can see this text becoming a bit more work than perhaps expected. 
I just really wanted to do the show justice, a lot of anime and manga get's looked down on for being not what people are used to and therefore get's permanently labeled as strange or dumb. Regardless of the show being so or not. 
Yes there is dumb/pointless manga and anime but there is also so much amazing and well written shows and content that it's simply a shame that it all get's put over one comb and judged as if everything is exactly the same. And that is not what I wanted to happen to Kuroshitsuji just because of me being unable to explain it in the right way. I was also given a lot of time to review something that I really enjoy and therefore got a chance to really shine at something which I hope I managed to do to some extent. So I hope that I managed to do an at least somewhat entertaining or thought provoking review/plot summary.  

Sources: (used to watch all of the episodes)

onsdag 9 april 2014

Redovisningar musik

Skriv några rader om redovisningen du lyssnar på!
Det kan vara, något du tyckte var intressant,funderar över eller fråga/frågor som du vill ha svar på.

Fundera också över redovisningen, hur var den?
Vad var bra och vad behöver den som redovisar tänka på till nästa gång?

Redovisning: Alwa

Jag har lyssnat på ett arbete om genren:

Berätta kortfattat om genren:
härstammar ifrån blues

Har du lärt dig något du inte visste innan?
Att Elvis rock n roll hotade country. Country är mycket mer populärare än vad jag visste.

Redovisning: Fredrik & Pontus

Jag har lyssnat på ett arbete om genren:
House & dubstep

Berätta kortfattat om genren:
uppkom 34 år sedan ungefär
''The Warehouse'' hette klubben där allting startade

Har du lärt dig något du inte visste innan?
Att david guetta har designat dr drejs
Kanske skulle varit lite mer förberedda och mer bilder

Redovisning: Hannes

Jag har lyssnat på ett arbete om genren:
Hip hop

Berätta kortfattat om genren:
Baserat ifrån blues som mycket annat
Afrika bombaata är fadern av hip hop

Har du lärt dig något du inte visste innan?
Tupac blev dödad av en driveby

Redovisning: Alexander & Mirsad

Jag har lyssnat på ett arbete om genren:

Berätta kortfattat om genren:
Den kom till 1926. Musiken är nästan alltid dansvänlig.

Har du lärt dig något du inte visste innan?
Att the beatles sjöng mest om kärlek
Att Elton John hat sålt 250 miljoner skivor

Redovisning: Albin

Jag har lyssnat på ett arbete om genren:

Berätta kortfattat om genren:
Började som soul och funk
Många försökte si på disco musik då det var lätt att göra. Discomusiken tryckte undan dansbandsmusiken.

Har du lärt dig något du inte visste innan?
ABBA var ett discoband, har alltid knutit dem till en tidigare version utav pop.

Redovisning: Sebastian

Jag har lyssnat på ett arbete om genren:

Berätta kortfattat om genren:
Brukar kännetecknas med speciella gitarr-riff, 1980 delades Hårdrocken upp i 2 grenar. Glamrock och Metal.

Har du lärt dig något du inte visste innan?
1996 återförenades Kiss och splittrades igen efter att ha åkt på en turné.

Redovisning: Philip

Jag har lyssnat på ett arbete om genren:

Berätta kortfattat om genren:
Reggae kom ifrån Jamaica runt 60-talet. Bob Marley grundade reggae och är ikonen för den.

Har du lärt dig något du inte visste innan?
Basen och Takten i reggae är nästan alltid samma, basen höjs och sänks väldigt mycket.

tisdag 8 april 2014

Olof Palme, mannen som lämmnade fotspår i historien.

Den första mars 1986, svenska familjer över hela landet har fått sin morgontidning och kan inte tro sina ögon när de läser rubriken: Sveriges statsminister har blivit mördad.
Mannen utan far, FN:s medlare i Iran–Irak-kriget, den så ofta benämnde store politikern är bara några av de många titlar Olof Palme har fått och nu är han inte med oss längre. Alla bedrifter som denna mannen har gjort under sitt liv och karriär måste väl ändå bli berättade

Text: Josefin Carlsson 

Jag går igenom gatorna i Stockholm med min tjocka vinterjacka medans vinden tjuter i mina öron och snön forsar vilt omkring mig.
Jag tittar ner i backen för att undervika att snön kommer in i mina ögon. Jag märker att topparna av mitt hår är frysta och att min andedräkt blir till stora vita rökmoln så fort de lämnar min mun. Jag går med snabba steg för att hinna till caféet längre ner på gatan. Några meter ifrån mig står en lång man i rock och röker en cigarett, jag undrar hur någon skulle kunna hålla en låga vid liv i detta vädret men skakade bort tanken.
Vinden går plötsligt in i högvarv, vilket jag redan trodde att den gjorde så jag duckade snabbt och sprang emot mitt mål. Plötsligt sprang jag in i mannen som jag såg tidigare, jag ber om ursäkt och märker att han hade tappat sin cigarett när jag sprang in i honom. Jag frågar om jag kan bjuda på en kopp kaffe som ett förlåt, mannen nickar kort och gick med mig till caféet men verkar inte det minsta rörd utav vädret.
När vi väl har satt oss med våra kaffekoppar så märker jag vem det är som jag sprungit på, det är Olof Palme. I chock stammar jag ut me-me-men du är ju... jag hinner inte avsluta min mening innan han säger: "vissa saker händer av en anledning" och gav mig ett litet leende. Jag tystnade men insåg sedan att detta var min chans att få veta lite mer om honom.

Vem var egentligen Olof Palme?
Mittemot mig sitter en lite rund man med skalligt huvud som ger mig känslan utav en glad farbror.
-Ska vi kanske börja ifrån början för att få en lite klarare bild utav det hela?
Jo när jag började skolan var jag väldigt engagerad och fick A som genomsnitt i betyg. P.g.a mina stora skrivkunskaper och bra betyg fick jag senare, efter jag hade tagit min examen ett jobb på Svenska Dagbladet som journalist.
När jag väl började min politiska karriär så tyckte mina, ja vi kan kalla dem ''fans'' att jag var en bra ledare. Detta var p.g.a mina tal och mitt engagemang i mitt jobb och folket som följde mig.  
Jag var väldigt kritisk emot USA:s deltagande i Vietnamkriget när det meddelades, för jag tror inte på krig, så enkelt är det.
Men om man skulle jämföra dig med dagens politiker vad är den största skillnaden emellan er?
Jo just nu drivs Sverige utav moderaterna och statsministern Fredrik Reinfeldt och det är två helt olika partier som slåss emot varandra och de är ganska stora rivaler för det är vi som ligger högst upp, kan man säga, vi har mest röster. Vi var dessutom mer involverade med ungdomar, hur de skulle ha det med jobb och boende t.ex. 

Det berömda mordet 
Ditt mord har blivit väldigt känt efter som att det ännu är ouppklarat, vad hände egentligen den natten och vad gjorde du när mordet hände? Jag och min fru Lisbeth skulle gå och se filmen bröderna Mozart på bio, efter bion bestämde jag och Lisbeth att vi skulle ta en promenad.
En man kom upp bakom oss och avlossade ett pistolskott, jag fördes till Sabbatsbergs sjukhus och där dödförklarades jag.
Det påminner väldigt mycket om John F Kennedys mord tycker du inte? Jo där har du faktiskt rätt.

Efter allting var över begravdes jag vid Adolf Fredriks kyrka, men jag har även en minnesplatta som ligger vid korsningen Sveavägen i Stockholm.
Vilka blev påverkade utav ditt mord?
Den glada och skämtsamma glimmern i hans ögon suddas plötsligt ut och han tittar ner i backen innan han möter min blick igen.
- såklart blev Sverige påverkat, men det var nog mest min fru och mina barn jag tänker på.
Hans ögon fastnar på fönstret som visar alla flingor driva omkring utomhus. Han suckar lite lätt innan han mumlar: Min vackra fru, Elisabeth och mina underbara söner Joakim, Mårten och Mattias, jag lämnade dem utan att ge dem ett ordentligt farväl...
Han blinkar till och tar bort blicken ifrån fönstret innan han tar en klunk kaffe och återvänder till vårt samtal. 
Jag känner mig lite skyldig och försöker säga mina ord med omsorg, din far avled när du var ung, påverkade det dig?
Till min förvåning drar han upp ena mungipan lite innan han säger nått. För att vara ärlig så tog jag det inte så hårt när min far blev en jordgubbe, jag var ganska ung så det var inte någonting som traumatiserade mig.

Men efter allt var slut, vem tog då din plats och hur lång tid tog det innan de hittade den personen?
Ingvar Carlsson tog min plats efter mitt mord, Han blev stadsminister 13:e Mars 1986 och slutade den 4:e Oktober 1991, så det gick ju ganska snabbt med tanke på min död den 28 Februari. Men som bevisat varar inget förevigt och Ingvars efterträdare blev Göran Persson.


Tanzania är ett land som är lolkaliserat i den sydöstra delen av Afrika.
Enligt vä bor det 43,601,796 personer i Tanzania, vilket är ungefär 5 gånger mer än Sveriges befolkning som är 9,573,466.
Om Sverige skulle varit lika stort som Tanzania skulle det bo 19 893 300 människor i Sverige.

Tanzanias befolkning har sänkt med 0,12% och höjt medellivslängden med ca 10 år för både kvinnor och män om man jämför med 1990. Detta är en dubbelt så stor höjning om man jämför med Sverige som hade en höjning med 5 år sedan 1990. 

I Sverige föds det 1,02% barn per år och i Tanzania föds det 3,26%, med andra ord så föds det ungefär mer än 3gånger mer barn än i Sverige.
I Tanzania tror man att 0,96% av befolkningen kommer dö iår, Sverige kommer faktiskt ha samma antal dödsfall (0,96%) men eftersom att det bor ca 5x fler personer i Tanzania kommer det för varje person som dör i Sverige kommer det att dö 5 personer i Tanzania.

Minska mödradödlighet genom bättre förlossningsörutsättningar
rent vatten

Vatten, Skola, Internet:
Idag så har bara 54% av befolkningen i Tanzania tillgång till rent vatten medans i Sverige har alla det. Detta är en stor anledning till varför Tanzania har det så svårt att utvecklas. Om man inte har lätt tillgång till rent vatten måste man ta mycket tid åt att hämta det och man utsätts därför för många faror så som att bli sjuk eller få infektioner.
I Sverige så är det förväntat att man går 16 år i skolan men i Tanzania är det bara 9 år. Det betyder att Sverige har ca 50% mer utbildning. 
Eftersom att det krävs utbildning för att få ett jobb som betalar bra så gör dessa 7 extra åren i skolan som dem inte har väldigt mycket. För att försörja sig så jobbar många med jordbruk för det är nästan det ända alternativet om man vill ha mat och en inkomst. Om man skulle satsa mer pengar på skolan så skulle industrier kunna börja, folk skulle bygga upp företag och allt detta skulle betyda att det skulle skapas jobb och landet skulle bygga upp en stabil ekonomi.
91% av Sverige har tillgång till internet och Tanzania har bara 12% tillgång. Detta betyder att Sverige är mycket mer utvecklat och utnyttjar internet för vi vet att internet är ett sånt otroligt redskap som man kan använda till nästan allt. Företag har hemsidor som man kan beställa ifrån och det betyder att det finns en marknad för att sälja saker över hela världen.
Om Tanzania skulle t.e.x starta med att sy billiga kläder och sälja dem över nätet så skulle dem säkert tjäna åtminstånde mer än vad de gör nu. Dock skulle det kunna ge negativa konsekvenser så som jättelåga löner för arbetarna, barnarbete och andra saker som strider emot de mänskliga rättigheterna.

Senast det var var Krig i Tanzania var det 1979 och Sverige har inte haft krig på över 200 år. 
Tanzania plågas också av en utbredd korruption. För att försöka skapa ordning bland de som leder landet borde FN gå in och få bort de som skapar korruptionen. Ett enklare sätt skulle vara om Tanzania skulle införa Demokrati så att de kunde rösta fram sina ledare. Om de skulle lyckas med att införa Demokrati skulle det gynna landet jättemycket.
Eftersom att det är så varmt klimat i Tanzania så är det väldigt korta odlingsperioder och bara 4% av landets yta används till odling. Detta ger väldigt dåliga förutsättningar.
För att Tanzania ska utvecklas som ett land behövs mer jobb, längre skolgång, ökad skatt så de kan bygga vägar, skolor och sjukhus, och bättre tillgång till rent vatten.